How to have better dialogue – Introducing the Four Interventions

How can a leader convene better dialogue? What can a leader do to generate new insights, fresh energy and aligned action? In what way can a leader participate more skilfully in the systems they lead, whether an intact team, a project group or a network of stakeholders? […]

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‘It seems like’​ and other pivotal phrases

Pivotal Phrases including 'it seems like' being discissed with Bridgework Consulting

‘What is the most important leadership skill of all?’ is the title of a post I uploaded earlier this week. Based on the comments people have made, I’ve expanded the actual phrases you might use to show that you’re really listening to someone. ‘It seems like…’ has been shown to be a power phrase: the […]

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Deepen your presence, deepen your dialogue

Senior leaders typically spend up to 80% of their time in meetings. This calls for “black belt mindfulness”[1] or advanced attentiveness, as there can be so many demands on our attention even in a single meeting. Whilst deepening your presence can be challenging, the results can be transformative. When we are present, we are in […]

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