From dialogue coach to purpose pioneer
Around 2015 I started to notice a pattern. When groups of leaders engaged in conversations about purpose, their perspectives shifted. For leaders who did more of the same — restructuring, reviewing targets, refining processes — nothing significant changed. For leaders who grappled with purpose-related questions — Why are we here? What are we about? What do we offer that engages our stakeholders? — wellbeing and performance improved. I saw how authentic dialogue with a compelling purpose transformed teams. Instead of ‘stuck’ meetings where one or two people dominated, talking about a shared purpose encouraged diverse team members to contribute ideas. I learnt how to help groups navigate the inevitable messiness of conflict as they confronted fundamental questions. A shared purpose helped to pull people together, despite competing agendas and personality clashes. My work now focuses on creating environments for deeper dialogue and connecting people with a compelling purpose. Seeing transformative tools make a real difference to people and outcomes buzzes me every day.
Sarah Rozenthuler
C.Psychol, BA, AFBPsS
Sarah has over 15 years’ experience as a consultant to global organizations such as Discovery Inc, Boots, Savills, NatWest, BCG, Book Trust and Choice Support. She has worked with CEOs and their teams, facilitated sessions for networks of NGOs, and given talks at international summits. Sarah’s areas of expertise include leadership development, relationship building, dialogue and Purpose.
A Respected author
Books by Sarah Rozenthuler include Powered by Purpose: How to Engage and Energise Your People Around Great Work (Pearson, 2020) and How to Have Meaningful Conversations: Seven Strategies for Talking About What Matters Most (Watkins, 2012.) Sarah’s work has been widely featured in the media including the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the FT, Psychologies Magazine, Huffington Post and the BBC online.